Announcing..."As Luck Would Have It" -- the Website!

FINALLY! The "As Luck Would Have It" Website has launched! Now, in addition to the offerings at Home Store Manassas, my carefully edited collection of vintage treasures are available thru Be sure to check it out daily, as there are many more pieces of inventory to be posted. And tell ALL your friends, family, co-workers, strangers you meet in bars....Trust me, they'll thank you for it! At least I will...!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Weekend Wonders: Friday

It was a weekend of fabulous finds and vintage delights!  After all, the opportunities were aplenty:  it as the first Saturday of the month, which was accompanied not only by my neighborhood’s “exchange” program, but also by the Arlington Civitan Flea ; and, as if that weren’t sufficient activity to throw one into a fit of Vintage Vertigo, the DC Big Flea was also in town!  My oh my oh my….

On Friday, having spent several festive hours of happiness with Sharona and Richard at Richard’s new bachelor pad, I hurried off to join Sig-O and godsons for a quick bite to eat near my office.  Afterwards, the godsons were excited to take a tour of The Warehouse, as I’ve come to call the storage unit housing my furniture overflow.  I was so pleased that they were almost as enamored with my collection as I am! They had great fun trying out the many chairs that sit in the storage unit, awaiting their eventual debut in someone’s home.

Once the trio departed to return to Cap Hill, I drove back to my own home.  As soon as I entered the ‘hood, it suddenly dawned on me that it was Exchange Night !  As any avid reader of this Blog knows, the first Saturday of the month is officially ‘bulk trash pick-up’ day (eeww…there’s that ugly term again!).  The residents, however, have dubbed the Friday evening before “The Exchange Night”, since it is a glorious time to wander the streets in search of others’ cast-off treasures.  In the past, my late night searches have been rewarded with vintage dressers, wooden beach chairs, and various wicker items.    Naturally, like a slot machine devotee, I was anxious to see what the payoff of tonight’s spin of the wheel would be!

Well, dear readers, I did not have to prowl through the meandering streets for more than a few moments before being generously rewarded!  Soon after turning onto the tree lined street approaching my court, my car’s headlights shown on a massive rectangular object.  Placed on the curb among various bits of debris was a most lovely Chippendale-style garden bench!  As I came to a screeching halt, I simultaneously bolted out of the front seat to claim my find, as if demons from Hell were on my heels.  Upon a cursory inspection (my vision was dimmed not only by the sudden onset of vertigo but also by the lack of adequate illumination from the streetlights), the bench appeared to be in fine shape.  Granted, the paint was peeling, but imagine what a fresh coat (or two or three) of glossy latex would do for it!

There was but one problem:  in a bout of forgetfulness, the previous night I had filled the Passat with non-furniture related items.  Where was I to put my most recent delightful discovery?  And, equally perplexing, how was I to load it into the Passat (assuming it would even fit)?  Again, avid readers know that I seldom succumb to such trivialities (the French settee notwithstanding.  Will I EVER live that down?!?).  So, as I quickly rearranged the detritus of my life that was being hauled around in the Passat, I continuously glanced around to ensure no one tried to abscond with my prize. (There was one moment of extreme paranoia when I threw myself across the bench as a passing car slowed to stare. Their envy was quite apparent!)

After much finagling, I was finally able to make sufficient room for the bench.  Then I was faced with the challenge of actually loading it into the Passat.  This was no mean feat, let me tell you.  Nonetheless, a few splinters and smashed fingers later, the wooden structure was safely ensconced in the car’s rear compartment.  Once again, the Passat came through!  As I made my way the rest of the distance home, I called Sig-O to see if he might be interested in having the lovely bench for his front lawn; he was indeed, and the next day (after unloading and reloading the poor thing several times, to make room for hauling godson V to a birthday party and other precious items to The Warehouse) the bench was set in its new place of honor on Capital Hill.  And to think it was left only hours prior for transport to some landfill!  Another worthy item of fine furniture snatched from the jaws of the garbage truck.


  1. i got such a great visual of you trying to cram that thing into your car. wish i could have been there to see that.

  2. It was the lying across the bench in paranoia that got me! Rwwwrrrr! Fttttt, fttttt. Next time just pee on it. ; )
